Holden Joseph

Holden J. Joseph was born and raised in Austin, with family ties in Austin that go back over a century.
Holden J. Joseph attended Texas State University where he majored in political science and criminal justice. He graduated Texas State magna cum laude in 2018. Next, Holden J. Joseph attended law school at the University of North Texas located in Dallas Texas. He participated in UNT Dallas’s Community Lawyering Center, where he represented indigent clients on various cases such as class c tickets, housing/evictions, child support and custody, and immigration. He also worked with the Joyce Ann Brown Innocence Clinic, where he collaborated with other lawyers to pursue, investigate, and evaluate claims of innocence from people who were currently incarcerated. Holden J. Joseph graduated from UNT Dallas College of Law with honors in 2021.
In 2021, Holden J. Joseph started his career as a prosecutor with the Williamson County Attorney’s Office. Holden J. Joseph was assigned to multiple courts where he prosecuted Class A, B, and C misdemeanors. He tried a variety of misdemeanors from DWI to Family Violence Cases. During his time at the Williamson County Attorney’s Office, Holden J. Joseph became the court lead in his court and was responsible for every case that came through that court. His time at the Williamson County Attorney’s Office ignited his passion for rehabilitation, where he assisted with the specialty court programs such as Veterans Treatment Court and the DWI/Drug Court Program.